
Kristin has lunch with Michael Rosenbaum

Kristin's Smallville costar Michael Rosenbaum was at a Con in Los Angles this past week and he had this to say about Kristin when talking about Smallville:

"I miss people. I miss the crew & cast. I get along great with everybody. Kristin Kreuk comes to L.A. every once in a while and we have lunch. She's gorgeous."

El compañero de reparto de Kristin, Michael Rosenbaum estubo en una convencion la semana pasada y ha dicho lo siguiente refiriendose a Kristen mientras hablaba de Smallvill: CIta: Extraño a esas personas, extraño a los tecnicos y el elenco. Me llevo muy bien con todos. Kristin Kreuk viene a Los Angeles cada cierto tiempo y almorzamos juntos. Es hermosa


1 comentarios:

The convention he was at was in London.