
Michael R. Possible Return Smallville

Seems Rosenbaum is open to the idea about returning back to reprising the role of Lex Luthor in season 10.

This weekend there is a convention called Insurgence Convention in London. Michael Rosenbaum is also there and represents Smallville. A fan was there and here are some snippets:

Here at the convention in London, Michael has been so great, answering loads of questions. I was actually lucky enough to ask him a question during the con and have had a lot of one-on-one time with him.
I asked him, "Brian and Kelly aswell as Tom have all been trying to get you to return to Smallville, so is there any chance you will return for season 10 the final season".
Michael laughed, replied and i quote, " I dont know Tom has been stalking me and talks are being had, its not a no, Lex could come back, crazier things have happend"
 Aquí en la convención el Londres, Michael ha sido increíblemente genial, contestando un montón de preguntas. Fui lo suficientemente afortunada como para hacerle una pregunta durante la convención y pasé mucho tiempo con él. Le pregunté, 'Brian y Kelly y también Tom han estado todos tratando de hacer que regreses a Smallville, ¿así es que hay alguna oportunidad de que regreses para la 10ª y última temporada?.
Michael se rió, contestó y quoteo, 'No lo sé. Tom me ha estado acosando y se han hecho conversaciones, no es un no, Lex podría regresar, cosas más locas han pasado
 Thanks VivianBloom via twitter 

1 comentarios:

I think is Michael came back that would be great.