
Smallville Finale First Look (TV Guide)


The May 13 series finale of Smallville promises major changes for Clark Kent, and not just his transformation into Superman. As seen in this exclusive photo, Clark (Tom Welling) and Lois Lane (Erica Durance) head to the chapel — but there's drama along the way. "It's a very, very long walk down that aisle," teases executive producer Kelly Souders. "There are some good moments, some heart-wrenching moments and some surprising moments at their wedding."
Souders says that "if you keep your eyes open you'll see a few familiar faces" in attendance, including Ollie (Justin Hartley) as the best man and Chloe (Allison Mack) as the matron of honor. "They've always been there for our beloved couple and they will be all the way to the end."
Given that this is the final episode, should viewers be concerned that Clark may not get to kiss the bride and seal the deal? "I think fans will be pleased with how things turn out," Souders says, "but it's never what you expect. I will just say that there are moments directly before and after this photo that, even seeing the footage for the 50th time, I still get a little teary."

La final de mayo 13 de smallville promete grandes cambios en la vida de Clark kent, y no es solo su transformación para convertirse en superman.Como lo vemos en esta foto exclusiva Clark y lois lane caminaran hacia el altar pero, habrá drama en el camino.’’Es un gran recorrido hasta llegar al altar’’dice Kelly souders. ‘’Hay muy buenos momentos,momentos desgarradores y momentos sorprendentes en su boda’.’Souders dice ‘si mantienes los ojos bien abiertos vas a ver a caras conocidas’incluyendo a ollie como el padrino y a chloe como la madrina de bodas.Ellos siempre han estado con nuestra amada parejita y asi lo harán hasta el final.

Sabiendo que este es el episodio final,los espectadores deberían preocuparse de si verán a Clark besar a la novia o sellar el trato?’’Creo que los fans se sentiran complacidos de como van a resultar las cosas’’ Souders dice:’’pero las cosas nunca salen como las imaginas’’.‘’Diria que hay momentos directamente antes y después de esta foto, que aun asi habiendo visto la grabación por 50 veces, todavía me dan ganas de llorar.
Trad. carolina

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